Monday, January 29, 2007
s i l l y m e
'Join Shareen on 20 Jan, 2-4pm, for the Grand Opening with lots of fun activities and win prizes!' for a moment, i went, "eh? now.. y on earth would i be there for that?" then it suddenly dawned upon me that they're talking about their DJ who happens to have the same name as i... =P
that's the prob with having a rather unique name.. no training in preparation for others with the same name, haha...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
w a k e u p !
argh, what am i doing.. seem to be stuck in holiday mood n it's coming to the 4th week of school already... have plenty of tutorials, german homework, some silly fluids continual assessment thingy, application for overseas VIP, module mapping etc to do... yet i'm lost in my world of music n dance.. n now i've even developed a craving for the movies argh...
time to get a grip on my life n reeeaallly get down to work... remind me, yar...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
s a l s a 1 0 0 1
anyway, to clear some of that fog in my tagboard... the guy-in-charge of the Salsa1 class by Jitterbugs, organised by NUS SnB Club set the deadline for signing-up as Wed night, but only on Thur night did S decide to join after all, and on Fri morning did Br n another 2 gals also decide to join.. so the guy-ic turned all of them down, much less QH who was thinking of taking a look before joining the class...
informed those who'd already signed up for the class, about the above, by order of appearance, haha.. so only met HZ/TS (wah you just got the longest name) at around 7pm for dinner and he immediately insisted on S taking his place, especially since he's already in another salsa class (by caliente).. so now he has $50 to spend on LAN games haha...
oh man, felt sooo guilty n mean n bad argh... firstly, had to tell S about what the guy-ic said; then now TS came all the way downtown from campus and he's not going for the class after all, n him having decided to join this as his 2nd class when nobody else wanted to join; then suddenly asking S to rush back downtown for the class... =S
the class was quite fun!! tho slightly more serious than at thumper (totally different setting i suppose)... woah, have a few reeeally tall guys (rotation basis too)... only irritating thing is that at every point in time there'll be about 2 gals who're without a partner (maybe that's cos i think of the guys who could've joined n filled up the gaps in the guys-line)... learnt slightly different moves, which reminds me of the dancefloor at thumper on wed, where ppl seemed to be dancing with all different styles yet they could change partners rather seamlessly... cool...
after class, there's one dance studio where they play salsa music and the floor's open to anyone to practise their dance moves.. quite cool, especially when you don't feel so intimidated by pro-ppl cos everyone's a student there after all.. danced a tiny-bit, then we had to leave soon tho... yay, can't wait for fri!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
s a l s a
went to Thumper with some of my friends tonight haha... can't believe things worked out so well.. =P only found out about that place online a few days ago (incidentally J did too!) and wasn't sure whether salsa nights are every wed with free lessons too, so emailed them, but no reply.. so decided to trust the website which says that it's every wed at 7.30pm, and planned to reach around 8pm cos didn't expect things to move fast in a club till slightly later...
TS was so worried that we wouldn't be allowed in cos of his attire, n we were quite worried about the age limit too, but somehow, nobody approached us nor said a word when we entered! n when we 1st went in, they had just started the class! really quite fun, the steps aren't that scary as they look actually haha.. kept rotating partners n quite amusing to see all sorts of people there.. ;)
n only upon reaching home and getting online, did i receive an email from the salsainsingapore yahoogroups i subscribed to, that thumper's back with their salsalicious nights starting this wed (today) at 8pm.. my goodness, what luck... so i wonder whether they teach new stuff every week for 1 month, then send out that email again... =P can't possibly go for anymore wed nights though, cos of nusso rehearsals sigh.. oh well, at least there's salsa 1 class on fris! yay!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
n u t s
M claims that it must be cos J wished me a 'Lustiges Neues Jahr!' which translates as 'Funny New Year!' instead of a happy one haha...
or maybe it's just cos i'm getting much more comfortable with my friends now that there's no bars held in joking around...
whatever it is, i'm just so happy that my jaw n muscles around the tummy ache from all that laughing haha... =P
t u t o r i a l b a l l o t i n g
n i'm going to be taking all tutorials with friends i'm close to too! how cool is that... both our GAP lects n tuts r gonna be with most of the stuttgarters haha.. M n i could hardly believe it at first too.. it's gonna be one crazy sem! heez... looking forward to it, can't believe it...
(try counting the number of times i used the word 'believe' in this post, haha..)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
l i n k s search for songs you love and create your own playlist to listen to them... can even blog songs, muahahaha... kudos to S!
for goth music lovers, here's 'Bless the Child' by Nightwish, another group you might like to search for is Leave's Eyes (but not as popular somehow)... search for your fav artistes or songs and they'll play similar songs.. great way to discover more songs that suit your taste... can't remember who intro-ed it to me some time last year... watch videos of TV serials, anime etc, all arranged nicely for you, don't have to go through the hassle of searching for them on youtube... thanx to K!
Friday, January 12, 2007
p n w
just led my first p&w session with J today... i dunno what to say, man... totally had no confidence at all at first, considering that i've never really been open to P&W until last year... well, gotta say that J's been really great trying to train us, always encouraging n enthusiastic.. ;)
never really been quite a good participant at P&W sessions in the 1st place, not the statue of stamford raffles kind though, so this was quite a leap for me... definitely an eye-opener... had quite some fun practising with the band.. =) u guys rock!! can actually feel us growing closer to each other.. an encouraging sign.. just nice for DOR too haha...
i really should stop being limelight-shy.. dared not sing too loud etc in the fear of slipping up cos i'm so very inexperienced at this.. came across as too soft n lacking in energy.. think we were trying too hard not to be nervous and keeping ourselves from shaking, to concentrate on how to add the punch to the P&W session heez... =P well, there's always a first time.. so who's next? ;)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
n e w s e m
anyway, i'll have to really work harder this sem and try to inch back my CAP that's been slipping a bit too precariously... remember being able to wake up and reach school by 10am latest everyday during the study period for the 1st 2 sems, but kinda failed quite miserably at it last sem.. grrrghhh.. gotta get my discipline back!
shall be taking on this sem by its horns!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
direct from picasa
h o l i d a y s o v e r
'twas one fast-paced by enjoyable break for me.. =) lots of singing n organising n losing my voice.. most importantly was my friends..
one month is seriously too short, but i suppose just gotta make do with it n be rejuvenated for the coming sem... alles gute!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
had a nice relaxing kaffee und kuchen with S yesterday, cleared up some stuff i've been thinking about.. =) saw like 2 groups of ppl whom i know around that area too haha...
picked up some blouses with ML as my fashion consultant today ;) then had dinner at cafe cartel at cineleisure, and guess what? we were beginning on our meal when the gal and guy at the table behind me stood up to leave, when I noticed that it was M! haha.. small world huh.. seems like ML did mumble something about whether she's M, but i didn't hear, so no response, and ML thought she looked more mature than the M she knows haha.. so didn't realise till they were leaving.. ;)
ooh.. the carbonara and lagsane were insanely sinful.. =P n really filling too haha.. didn't notice the time flying till we finished eating, n we had decided to walk to esplanade during dinner.. good exercise too.. ;) nice view n breeze up at the rooftop... talked and laughed soooo much on the way too..
feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends.. =D
salsa anyone? (thinking of the classes in school, but no news on IVLE yet)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
pic galore!
i'm dreaming of a white xmas... haha.. just some long-overdue posts now... took this with my choc at vivocity when i was there with M that day... it's just a shopfront! haha... so white, it reminds me of Lydia... auw..
gender bender! doesn't it look cool? haha.. went to alleybar with quite a no of CSS ppl after Xmas Celebrations, and just ordered that... the mix sounded interesting -- bailey's, jim bean, curacao (haha not very sure) and dunno wad else.. when it came in this tiny little shot glass amidst everyone else's lumbering cocktail glasses, everyone was so shocked (including me).. they were going "Shareen! are you sure you're not too stressed or something? bu2 yao4 xiang3 bu4 kai1 leh..." haha.. then everyone started whipping out their cameras and handphones to take pics of it... only when i checked the menu again, did i realise that it was under the list of shooters but i hadn't noticed earlier haha.. didn't drink it down in one gulp though.. no worries, was totally sobre after that haha..
the grand cathay

was there to watch death note 2 with D and MJ... we didn't even know that it was being screened at the Grand Cathay for that movie slot.. =P quite hilarious, how we even got there... actually wanted to watch the one at 4pm at Cathay Cineleisure, but we didn't notice the time till it was 4pm, so too bad, had to go for the next one at 4.40pm... by the time we reached cineleisure, there were only 3 seats left at the front row corner, so we went to check availability of tix at The Cathay for the 5.20pm show at the Coke cafe booth thingy (never knew!).. decided to settle on 3 seats at the front row but right in the middle, but couldn't use the 2 vouchers i had there!
so one of the ladies at the counter had this ingenious idea of us purchasing the ticket for the seat in the middle and rushing down to The Cathay to use the 2 vouchers.. cos most prob nobody would want to sit alone on either side, haha.. so we rushed down in the rain (with umbrellas of course) and it actually worked! haha..
The Grand Cathay is quite cool... decked out in black and deep dark red.. hmmz i'm starting to like that combi haha.. just like my dark chocolate phone and 2 of my blouses.. =P anyway it's like a small stage sort of thing with curtains and all haha.. n MJ kept claiming that it feels 3d or in omnitheatre cos the screen was curved n we're blocked by nothing...
and K n i r sttiiiillll waiting for a reply from the profs we emailed about the GAP (German for Academic Purposes) and Fluid Mechanics II clash... hope we get a reply before tomorrow when bidding closes...
oh well, i should be grateful that i don't have to go through the full course of bidding like the arts students.. =P
planning to take a SS module, Changing Landscapes, with a number of friends... anyone else? ;)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
new blog skin!
had so many problems changing the template cos somehow it doesn't seem so compatible with the new blogger account thingy, so ended up having to copy my entries 1st, delete my blog in that new blogger account, create a blog with the same address in my old blogger account (that i never used for my own blog, but for shared ones) and pasted the entries there... phew.. what lengths i went to.. but at least it works now yippee!!
purple sooo rocks... ;)
almost chose an evanescence one, found quite a nice one, like all of it, the words, the layout, but don't really like the pic with their faces haha... maybe i'll replace that pic with another pic someday for my next blogskin..
meanwhile, enjoy this simply n totally purple one!!
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year!
it's been a long time since i've celebrated new year's day.. it's been mostly staying at home and wishing friends online a happy new year, except for one year in which i went to orchard with some of my rv sec3/4 friends and it was like hell broken loose... O.o
spent this year's at city hall area, and thankfully, it was much much saner than orchard... phew... went for mass at cathedral with S and met J there! sadly they weren't playing the pipe organ for that mass.. =S haha.. then went over to Esplanade's Ichiban Boshi for dinner, my goodness, the sashimi is still as heavenly as it was the last time i dined there! so fresh yet so full of flavour.. mmm... =P can't believe we finished dinner only barely before 10pm (when the 1st round of fireworks were supposed to come on) heez.. well, ain't eating about enjoying the food and company? ;)
esplanade waterfront was seriously milling with people.. people watching the free concert, people standing around, people sitting on the grass or concrete floor reading newspapers etc... found a spot to stand and watch but nothing happened for 10+min, then it started raining! sigh.. there was this mad squeeze to the entrance to esplanade, and as if that wasn't enough, there was another human jam at the underground passage from esplanade to citilink mall.. people packed shoulder-to-shoulder, hardly enough oxygen in circulation, you could practically taste the tension and frustration in the air... the perfect conditions for a stampede, but thankfully nothing of that sort happened..
after moving at an average of 5 cm/min, we finally breathed relatively-fresher air.. rushed all the way to the church of sts peter and paul to catch the band that's representing mm for the revive countdown and carnival, to find that they were only still at the adoration bit.. oh well, at least we didn't go through that near-hell to have missed it.. =P seems like the programmes got pushed back slightly, maybe cos of the rain.. they still managed to perform 2 songs out of the planned 3, at least.. other than the slight imbalance in sound volumes (which god-knows-why always happens even with sound checks), it was totally awesome! praise the lord for such wonderful peepz in mm!
did the countdown itself at spp, but it didn't really feel like a new year at first, it was only after thinking to myself "oh, it's the new year already!" then suddenly there was this internal switch of perspectives (erm, not sure whether this makes sense, but kinda difficult to describe this feeling)... it suddenly felt as if all the worries of the past year can finally be left behind and this is gonna be one new year to discover and tame... fresh possibilities, new challenges, all waiting to be taken on.. fewer restrictions? somehow felt more freedom.. heez, this may all sound kinda silly, like it's just a thing of the mind that's gone beyond midnight, but yar, it did feel so..
anyway, headed back to raffles city where the car was parked, but the mall was closed by then, so had to go down by the long and winding way that the cars go by haha.. woahz, it was one wait to just get out of the place... then went to macs for some food and chat..
woke up only around 2pm today haha... some haywire schedule i'm on this hols.. =P but if i must say, it's been a tiring but really fun one.. =)
1st or 360th entry?
will be doing up this blog soon, when i have the time.. hmmz, ain't this supposed to be the hols? but seem busier than ever, but at least it's mostly with stuff that i enjoy... =) haven't had any entries this hols, time to start those fingers dancing over the keyboard!