Sunday, September 30, 2007

t u e s d a y s

Tuesdays with Simon
(pardon the pun haha)

For the past 3 weeks, Tuesdays have been blissful... =P His 3 weeks of hols and Tuesdays are my free day of the week this sem!! Muahaha... Off we go exploring Singapore with his new camera (btw it's really cool n slim!)... Here's some pics taken.. really like the one above -- the red walls look so artistic haha..

My Red Dot Design Award-winning LG Chocolate phone!! Saw some really cool stuff at the Red Dot Museum -- taps which water cascades out of like a fountain, a word-to-braille book converter and even supposedly innovative packaging for condoms.. -_-'''

"We're going to the zoo zoo zoo, how 'bout you you you?" Haha yupz we actually went to the zoo too!! It's really changed quite a bit (haven't been there in quite some time though)... Our zoo's really full of primates (monkeys, chimpanzees etc)... =O Know quite a few amongst my friends already actually haha..
Quite difficult taking photos with animals k... They keep running around! haha.. This goat pen had quite a stink too... =P Too bad by the time we reached this part of the zoo, it was near closing time, so the horses were back in their stables already, my fav, sigh...

Monday, September 24, 2007

o n e o f u s

If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?

What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome

-- What If God Was One Of Us (Joan Osborne)

Haha interesting.. What if... Though I don't think that nobody would be calling Him other than the Pope.. Bet His phone would ring non-stop with calls from people asking Him to grant them this and that wish... =P Thinking about it, actually God has actually been amongst Man before, as Jesus, ain't it? Or actually there's God in everyone of us!! =D