My place was super happening this easter -- visitors from Zurich, Switzerland, came over to my humble abode for the 4 days of easter.. Jeff, Bernard and Paul.. Not to mention, a visitor from Stuttgart, Germany, came over for Good Friday too -- Quanhui.. And invited my Leipziger friends, Soon, Raymond and Tom, to travel with us somemore, so you can imagine how bustling my room was haha... Thank goodness it's quite gigantic.. ;)

Yup that's Leipzig in snow! And easter is supposed to be start of Spring hmm... Obviously very confused weather.. My housemates were saying that it must've known that I had missed White Christmas in Germany, so it was snowing just for me haha... Custom-made by God for a sua-ku Singaporean who hasn't seen so much snow before.. =P

Went to visit the Volkerschlachtdenkmal (yes, it's quite a mouthful, that's german for you hee, what fun..).. Looks a bit like some ancient temple though.. =P Surroundings were rather nice and serene.. Don't let the calm waters fool you though, the wind was blustering! I guess it's cos the part containing the water's sunk in, so the wind doesn't really get to it... Lucky thing..

Next up on the itinerary was Cospudener See (i.e. a lake), but guess what? It was sooo on the outskirts of civilisation that the bus does not announce bus stop names and the bus stops practically hide their names.. So we missed our stop and ended up at some ulu terminal.. At least the guys had a good sleep haha.. We got off and walked around and realised that it's actually an old mine..

Plenty of ulu-ness.. With a plant that actually looks like pussy willow! Reminds me of chinese new year sigh... =P

Finally reached Cospudener See! Woot!

Who're those tourists taking photos? Haha..
Group photo! From left: Quanhui, Paul, Bernard, me.. Jeff's the one taking the photo hee..

Went to Dresden the next day... Been there before, during my immersion trip 2 years ago actually, but kinda liked it, and it's quite near Leipzig, so didn't mind showing the guys around there.. Didn't take many photos there though, otherwise I'll get repeats in my collection haha.. Mostly visited the Porcelain and Old Masters' Museums in the Zwinger Palace, which I didn't do that last time.. They're super good lah! If you're the type who's into museums, of course..

Saw this really cool art piece, which I don't remember seeing the last time too.. Like some perspective drawing thingy...
And it comes with this quote even! Is this cool or cool? =P Sorry I'm lazy to translate it (I've had enough of translating lecture notes for the day, thanks), so if you don't understand it, it's time to learn german! Or at least discover the wonders of Babelfish.. ;)

There was even a demonstration against violence in Tibet! They were holding banners and waving flags and holding torches on the steps up to the orangerie.. Thank goodness they didn't mistake us for Chinese nationals and set us on fire..

The next day: Saechsische Schweiz! We woke up to snow but we're mad enough to go ahead with our plans of hiking SS.. It was freezing, especially when you're so busy taking photos that your fingers freeze cos you're not wearing your gloves.. =P It was totally worth it!! Took sooo many photos, all beautiful, but somehow it feels like they just don't do justice to the place.. The whole nature, whiteness, stillness, quiet of the place just envelopes you.. And we're like practically the only souls hiking up there (think everyone else saner waits till summer or just drive up)..

A bridge somewhere at the top already... My goodness, so breathtaking that it's little wonder those chinese poets can look at these kinda scenery and start sprouting poems..

Towards the end of our hike, in the afternoon, the snow was melting already.. So the tracks you see there are actually sloshy mud by then.. We had such 'fun' slushing through it, trying to stay upright especially when going down slopes haha..

More breathtaking views.. This is but a tiny fraction of the photos we all took, of course.. Any more and blogspot would be lacking in memory space haha..

Mountains, snow.. And there was a river even! What more can one ask for...

Group photo at the end of our loooong hike! From left: Soon, me, Lin, Tom, Bernard, Raymond, Jeff, Paul..

Went to buy Kartoffelbrot (aka Potato-bread) for brunch (hadn't tried it for myself, and Raymond was gushing about it so, haha) to let the guys try.. Wanted to get Leipziger Lercher (this cupcake looking thing that's kinda crunchy outside like tart pastry, and has marzipan inside, really delicious) too, but all the bakeries that were still open on Easter Monday unfortunately didn't carry it.. Was glad that the medieval market in front of the Altes Rathaus that opened for Easter was open that day too (you know how all shops are closed in Germany on public hols)..

It even had this 2-man-powered kids' ferris wheel..

Pig roasting!

Pig almost all gone! Took this when we came back later in the afternoon for a city tour of Leipzig..
Lastly, gotta pay tribute to the Doner store we patronised on so many of those hungry nights! That's the problem with public holidays and Sundays here, supermarkets are never open! Oh well, at least there's the ubiquitous and relatively affordable Kebab stores! =)