Here's some photos that I've been wanting to upload from my handphone but just got to doing so.. Above is Heisse Schokolade nach Wiener Art. Wiener type of hot chocolate basically.. Really quite nice, especially like the cinammon powder they add.. ;) Ok shoot me for being a cinammon-fanatic..

Had that with Soon last Tue after submitting my application for extending my Visa at the Auslaenderbehoerde (direct translation: foreign countries' authorities haha).. So glad he brought me there, no idea how I would have found it myself, it's like quite a bit from the tram station. And even had help from him and his german colleagues in filling in the longest (and crappiest, they even ask you for your height!) form ever.. In german of course.. Then we had 4-seasons pizza at a Turkish Imbiss place, like the thin crust! =) Then went to Auerbach's Keller, where Faust has a scene in, but didn't bring my camera, so we'll be back again! Ended up in this cafe, apparently it's the oldest in Leipzig, looks rather colonial with elephant heads (not real ones of course) at the entrance.
I've never had so much beverages in a day, everyday somemore.. I have a tea every morning, with milk (with cereals or by itself), then have a coffee during coffee break at work, then have another tea when I get back. Then sometimes I have an apple juice with my dinner too. Guess it's really good to have hot drinks in this cold weather... They never felt this good before haha..

And the previous Tue, after settling stuff at the Stadthaus, I met Agneska for dinner. We went to this really really cool place called Moritz Bastei, a student restaurant/cafe/pub/club thingy. It's like down in the fortress ruins, you can see the bricks at the background of the photo. Cozy place that's surprisingly large and tiny prices -- for a dunkel bier (dark beer) and potato-chicken gratin, I paid a total of 7 euros (inclusive of a bit of tips even)! Love the prices in east germany...
Really glad for all the friends that I've made in this short period of time.. They're making this trip really memorable.. Dunno how I'd survive without them to look forward to... =)

There's this amazingly gigantic flock of crows in the fields at my workplace, BMW Plant Leipzig. Wonder what attracts them, the shiny reflection from the car screens? Quite freaky when they perch all along the building and suddenly take off in a horde like in this photo. This is only about 5-10% of the whole legion, cos I had to take out my phone and start up the camera and even took a few photos before I was satisfied. Reminds me of the crows in Resident Evil 3! Oh dear oh dear... =P
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