Leipziger Lercher! And Chococcino.. Ooh lala.. Marzipan inside with crunchy pastry outside.. Raymond brought me to a bakery-cafe to try this speciality after lunch on Sat.. Had a rather exciting weekend haha.. We had a Chinese New Year celebration dinner at Chen Yi's place on Friday night, waiting for the photos that Raymond took for Soon (hear that, Raymond? haha).. Chen Yi's one lucky man, his wife cooks amazing stuff!! And there was the traditional dumplings too, which Anna helped to make with them till past midnight on Thurs! =O Then we watched 'Crazy Stone', a China comedy movie, really quite hilarious, though the germans didn't really get it.. Then tried some super-potent chinese wine of Chen Yi's..

Then the few of us went to a club, think it's spelt as Politzer.. Quite a small one, with 1 room that looks like it can be converted into a tiny school hall or theatre.. Plays music from R&B to country to retro haha.. Quite glad that germany's banned smoking in enclosed areas! Though there were 1 or 2 who still did.. There's still some 6 month grace period, I heard, but it's quite a drastic improvement already, most of them actually went out to the entrance to smoke.. =) Though Tom complains that he'd rather smell smoke than the stink of humans haha.. There was some other room upstairs too, but by the time we went up, it had just closed, sadly..

Yup, there's even a Table tennis table beside the dance area, can you believe it? I was sooo amused by it haha.. And they played it such that upon every hit, the players go round the table for the next hit.. First time I see it being played like that! We left around 4 am, no more trams for me by then, so Raymond and I walked over to his place which is nearer and I slept over.. Then we went to the Mensa (student's canteen) in Innenstadt for lunch (missed breakfast by the time we woke up!).. 1.50 euros for the dish of Bratwurst, potatoes and sauerkraut! But you need a card thingy like the EZ-link card to pay.. Gotta be a student from the University of Leipzig too I guess.. Then he found out that I haven't tried Lercher, so off we went to the bakery-cafe!
The chinese restaurant that promises 'authentic chinese food and chinese live music and dance' was fully booked for 3 days, according to Tom who tried to make reservations, so we met up for dinner in a Vietnamese restaurant in Innenstadt.. Food's not bad, though it contains some very italien garnishings haha.. Fusion.. Our conversation's hilarious as usual.. ;) Then when we were leaving Innenstadt, there was this group of guys who were dressed a bit strangely, who approached us to buy these tiny little bottles of alcohol for 1 euro each. Think it's a stag party, cos the poor guy in the middle was dressed up the strangest, and was back-packing this wooden cabinet with the little bottles inside, and pulling this wooden toy thingy along on the ground.. Apparently he needs to sell all the bottles that night, so they can all go have a drink haha..
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