First heard of this ice cream parlor at Clementi Arcade along Sunset Way from the CSS people, so suddenly decided to look for it and give it a try after an afternoon at the career fair. Serves up a variety of homemade ice cream with some local flavours, such as Durian Durian (what else screams more 'Singaporean' than that?), and exotic ones such as Orange Tequila. Quite a number of flavours with liquer actually, how nice haha, though obviously the alcohol ain't that strong, can't imagine kids getting drunk in an ice cream, can you? ;) The ameretto's a almond liqeur, it came with mashmallow and chocolate bits too. The waffle was subtly crisp on the outside and soft inside, which is quite a well done version of the typical light Singaporean waffle in comparison to the heavier doughier Belgian waffle. Love both versions nonetheless.
The brownie's nothing to rave about, denser than the one I tried at Four Leaves but not as dense as the one at Mrs Field's. Lychee Martini's lychee flavour was rather refreshing, though the martini bit was hardly there.
Having had my fill of waffles yesterday at Olive Cove at NUS (finally) and today, think it brings me to the end of my waffle binge, but think my hunt for brownies has but just begun oops... =P
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