Yup the classic mortar board throwing.. To mark the end of 18 years of formal education, and especially the last 4 gruelling years of undergraduate life... Kinda bitter-sweet though..

To satisfy the curiosity of what was exchanged on stage that took so long, he asked me whether I would be continuing with Masters studies. To which I replied that I am working and would like to have a taste of industry first before considering my options again. And the poor guy seemed slightly disappointed, or perhaps I misread his expression. Oh well.

My parents who have supported me in all senses -- morally, spiritually, financially... Without whom it would all not have been possible. Looking back, it is quite amazing how they put up with my late nights and crankiness during exam periods etc... =P

My darling whom I'm blessed to have met at my stinct at NUS.. And my photographer for the day too! Noticed how amazing most photos turned out, like the sun-rays in the first photo? ;)

My lecture buddies for the 4 years (not including Mr Teddy Bear though)! Can't count the number of lectures we slept through together and lunches we had in and out of the LTs...
My fellow CSS Mech Engin friends! Still remember the first Xmas Celebrations when we took a photo making 'M E's with our fingers..
Must mention that my mum specially flew back to Singapore just to share in the joy of my commencement! And my sis and family flew back too! Many thanks to my sis and Andy for treating all of us to a celebration dinner at Town Restaurant, Fullerton Hotel!
Always been curious about the cafe seats along Fullerton Hotel which overlook the Singapore River, opposite Victoria Concert Hall. Was reading through reviews online to scout for a good place to eat and chanced upon rather good ones on their seafood buffet, and so learnt that Town Restuarant's the one I've been wanting to check out too! Lots of salmon (as in photo above), cold lobsters, scallops, sashimi, delicious mee siam and minestrone soup, chocolate mousse with a crunch, refreshing pomelo etc fruit punch to wash it down... And a great view of the Singapore River and VCH to boot!
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