Wednesday, August 08, 2007

c a r m i n a b u r a n a

Wooohooooo!!!! pardon me, i'm getting delirious haha... I've been haunted by this piece that I simply love whenever I hear it being used on TV or something, but everytime I ask others what it is, nobody knows.. For YEARS!! And guess how I finally found it? M was showing me some youtube videos of amazingly graceful iceskaters, and one of them had that song as the background music, when I asked my sis, she didn't know either, but pointed out the title of that video clip haha.. Silly me.. =P yupz, so.. *drumroll*

It's 'Carmina Burana - O Fortuna' by Carl Orff...
Feel the immense power... Oh man oh man.. If only I could be singing this in some choir!! Some kind of dream huh... =P Even listening to it sends shots of euphoria through...

This one even has a score that runs with the piece, amazing right.. So now you can know what they're singing haha... Enjoy!

Let me indulge in another one.. So peepz who can't read notes can enjoy the scenery that accompanies the lyrics rather than those beansprouts.. ;)

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