Pardon me for the gruesome photograph... Those are my wisdom teeth (or rather, were)... Just extracted them on Monday, let me do a 'lil orbituary for them before I decide how to dispose of them... The whole-looking one on the left of the photo was the one at the top right side of my jaw. The only one that emerged. But all that did was to wreck havoc in the form of ulcers that never left me for more than a day or two. S extracted that one himself...
The bits on the right of the photo form the one that used to be at the bottom right side of my jaw. It never emerged cos it's impacted (i.e. it's growing sideways instead of upwards). Same with the bottom left one, but will extract it maybe in about a month's time, so at least I can still chew with my left side. =P It was an operation by a specialist -- plenty of local anesthesia applied and injected (you don't wanna imagine that gigantic crude-looking syringe is going all the way through your gums), totally covered leaving only nose and mouth exposed (supposedly to protect the patient from falling sharp instruments). Thankfully quite painless (thanks to the LA), other than the scary vibrations from the drilling (that's how the tooth got cut up) and the wrenching out of tooth bits..
Totally numb for quite some time, pain only started kicking in in the evening, when I ventured to remove the bloody gauze and started popping the antibiotics and painkillers prescribed at the pharmacy.. Pain wore off after a while, but my right cheek started swelling the next day... It was swelling for days, and finally it's gone down quite a bit today.. Feel so handicapped by it sigh.. Food's a headache, kinda barred from going out since the swelling started (esp when it worsened)... At least it's getting better, still praying that I don't get infection (been faithfully using the prescribed mouthwash despite it killing my tastebuds)..
Guess what? S extracted 2 of his wisdom teeth today too!
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