Thursday, February 14, 2008

t r a m

Germany -- the land of punctuality.

I think not.

I just #@*^!* missed the tram yet again. It says on the schedule 7.02am, but it left the station at 7.00am just now! While I was still running for it.. Had problems with it for the whole of last week. First, there was some accident ahead of the line, so we all had to alight to wait for the service bus and thus missed my bus to BMW. Then the next few days, either it came too early, or so late that I missed my bus to BMW again. So had to wait in the cold for half an hour for the next bus to BMW.

Thought maybe they changed their schedule without my knowing, but just checked their website and it's still the same old one from end of last year.

So I either walk home and hang around just for 10-15 min then walk back to the station or wait in the cold for half an hour. So as you can guess, I chose exercise and here I am typing this complaint.

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